At Day to Grow, you’ll have the chance to meet and engage with an impressive lineup of industry leaders and experts. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the best and gain valuable knowledge that can transform your personal and professional growth. Not only will you benefit from their expertise, but you’ll also get to network with like-minded professionals and engage in meaningful conversations that can lead to new collaborations and partnerships.
Sorin Popa
Președintele Maxwell Leadership România
Roddy Galbraith
Mentor Metoda Maxwell de Comunicare
Chris Robinson
Vice-președintele Maxwell Leadership, Mentor Metoda Maxwell de Vânzări
John Griffin
Antreprenor, Leadership expert
Ray Popham
Vorbitor, scriitor, coach, antreprenor și investitor
Despre conferința
Maxwell Leadership presents the Day to Grow Conference, which exists to add value to people who multiply value to others. It’s an entire day of inspiration, instruction, and community. You get to the opportunity to network with many of the thousands of like-minded individuals who are there to grow their personal and professional lives. You get to soak up wisdom from keynote speakers who come from a variety of backgrounds, but have one thing in common: a commitment to personal growth. John C. Maxwell, who headlines this cast of keynote speakers, isn’t just the world’s foremost leadership expert… As he himself would tell you, “Hello my name is John, and I’m your friend.” And that’s how you’re treated from the moment you walk into the hallway of the Orlando World Center Marriott, as a friend of John.
Ești pregătit
să crești
Agenda evenimentului
10 iulie 2025
Evenimentul va avea loc între orele 12:00 și 17:00. Programul este în curs de definitivare*.
Acces sesiuni eveniment
Acces înregistrare eveniment
Acces Ziua Corporate (11 iulie)
12 luni acces online la Academia Maxwell (abonament de dezvoltare personală)
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